Making the college or university a truly real-time enterprise – and Achieving a practical fusion of business and academic processes – will become a guiding Ambition of institutions of higher learning, and new tools for integration and collaboration will Be the building blocks for this transformation.

Overview: -

The mission of the Student Information System SIS Project is to create an integrated Information technology environment for students, parents, HOD/Dean, faculty, Staff and administration of the institution. The goal is to focus on students, services and integration for end users. Integration of all of the functions of any higher educational institute ensures better management and efficiencies of the institutional resources. It also assists the respective institutes in their internal governance thereby reducing the overall cost of operations.

Educational Institutes are in a transition through the implementation of MIS systems With the objective to address the following key challenges: -

Solution Fulfilment: -

Web-enabled Student Information Systems

The WEB-ESIMS being proposed for the institutions will be web-enabled. This feature will make the operations of the institute very convenient. All the stakeholders of the institution viz., the Management, Faculty, Staff, Students and the parents can access their respective parts from the convenience of their time and place. The added benefits of this feature is that future employers or other University, college officials can view information of the prospective students from the convenience of their locations. The system being on-line all the time can be accessed on the web in real-time by the respective individuals, institutions and allows ease of access to the following:

  • Client Speak

    quote openManvish Student Information & Management system definitely increases our efficiency not only for students and faculty, but also for top managementquote close
    - Principal, A Premier Engineering College
  • Client Speak

    quote openAfter the implementation of SiS, we have an integrated single window application managing the process of the entire organisationquote close
    - IT Manager, An Educational Institute